Well as for life here in New York…..it is good. We like the area and things are looking up. We found some really good restaurants and have realized the mom and pop ones are the best. We like to drive around and explore. On February 28th the kids wanted to go and do something. Really they just wanted to get out of the house. Cheyenne could not make up her mind so Trey made the decision and we headed to the New York State Zoo at Thompson Park (just up the road). Let me start by saying Trey hates being cold. The kid would much rather be in the south then to be in the snow up here in New York. Nevertheless, he
decided on the zoo. It would have been fine any other day except that day it was only five degrees out. So here we are all bundled up with gloves, hats, scarves, coats with layers of clothes underneath, and hand warmers. We must have looked like true out-of-towners. We were so cold. The animals were so cold they were shivering. Cheyenne probably complained the most followed by the rest of us. Trey to our utter surpise didn't complain once. Trey was enjoying himself and didn’t seem to mind the cold like he usually does. It was so funny.
There weren’t that many animals out but we did get to see the zoo’s new additions: the white wolf and black wolf. From a distance we could seem them huddled together trying to stay warm, so I thought. That really wasn’t why they were so close. As we walked around the fence they walked up to us and were still very close but for another reason……yes, my children had a short class on animal reproduction that day. Not the zoo trip I was looking for. LOL
We also explored Sackets Harbor, which is very small. It sits right on the Lake Ontario. You could see the guys on the ice fishing. It is a whole other world up here. We have also had our fill of snow since being here. Some of the piles are bigger than Tyrin. Lately, the snow has started to melt and the other day it was actually 59 degrees. It was definitely warm enough to put on a sweatshirt with no coat.
I would also like to let you all know we have found a church home after three weeks of trying. We have settled in at Cornerstone Family Worship Center in Watertown, NY. We really felt a sense of peace and comfort when we walked into the building. We were actually invited out to lunch with the pastor and his family on the first day there. We spent about 3 hours with them and just felt welcomed. There was only one other kid besides our three in the Sunday school class this past week. However, they enjoyed the lesson and structure. Marlin attended his first ever men’s breakfast on Saturday and had a great time. It was good for him to get to know the other guys in the church. Next month there are having a dinner and a movie and will be watching “Fireproof”. He is planning to attend.
Things are just really falling into place here. Trying to spend time together as a family and get settled before Marlin gets deployed. Not looking forward to that day and in a way I am still in denial about it. I don’t like to talk about it because I just want to be a family without the added stress.
Let me take just a moment and thank you for your prayers this past month. Our prayer request now is for our children to meet some good friends and to have nice neighbors. Oh, did I forget to mention we are the only ones moved in so far and we don’t have a neighbor as of yet. What is God trying to tell me? LOL
I better run and get my house somewhat organized before the movers arrive tomorrow.
Blessings Everyone!
Oh, on a side note if you were wondering if our stuff made it in one piece to New York the answer is NO. We had a lot of things broken including our bed and desk. We also had 9 of our Wii games stolen. The funny thing is the person who stole it was in a hurry and didn't notice that three of the games he took were system games. Yes, looks like we will be getting a new Wii Fit, Wii system, and Outdoor Challege in addition to the other games they took. Let me just say it would have been cheaper for the movers to break our piano than all the other stuff they broke.