Monday, February 9, 2009

Welcome to New York

Well, we made it. We only had to pull over twice for potty breaks.....let me just say it wasn't the kids or I who had to go! It was a beautiful drive and will be even better when we travel the roads in the fall.
So I guess you could say we are officially living in New York now. Even if it is Guest Lodging. We arrived yesterday evening and the excitement in the kids' voices was refreshing. We are looking forward to the new adventures that God has for us. The snow isn't as high as we thought it would be. Turns out they had some rain in the last couple of days and the weather has been warmer (as if 30 degrees is warm) than usual causing the snow to melt. Today it actually reached 40 but quickly dropped to the 20's when the sun went down. Oh and guess what we even saw three deer. I am certain they followed us from Maryland. LOL We also saw a number of wild turkey. At one point we had to stop in the road o let them cross.

We spent the day driving around and looking at the post, it is pretty large. We can already sense a difference in the attitudes of those around us. Soldiers and family first......what is that like.
Trey helped navigate us around. He got us a little lost but was able to get us to the library eventually. Yes, my kids wanted to know what the library looked like. They were a little disappointed. Ok, Cheyenne wants me to rephrase that.....a HUGE disappointment. Yes, they are reading over my shoulder and the need for accuracy is driving them nuts.
The library is rather small and not what they are used to. It will have to do for now. There is a movie theater that actually has new movies playing for kids and the entire family. There are also lots of snow activities nearby. The kids want to go skiing so we will have to check that out as well.
We ventured into Watertown for dinner and found the MALL! Cheyenne is happy....KOHLS here she comes. LOL The boys could care less.

Cheyenne wants me to note her disclaimer....."I do not love NY........yet!" She needs some time.

1 comment:

Juli said...

I bet those deer were lonely and tracked you all the way to NY, lol! Sorry to hear the library is less than desirable...that's a bummer. We are praying each day that you find the perfect place to put down roots for now. Give the kids a hug for us...miss you!