So, with my hair done, all I had to do was paint my nails and do my make-up. By 4:30 pm I was slipping int
o my dress and putting on my heels. I felt like such a princess. LOL I felt so pretty. Not to mention my date looked pretty hot too. Something about a man in uniform. This man in particular makes my heart melt. :) With us dressed and ready to go, Cheyenne took charge of the camera and started the photo session. Some of the pictures didn't take really well, but we will work on that for the next dance. LOL For some reason the camera made a lot of the pictures grainy. No, big deal.

I was getting a little nervous as we headed to the ball. Well, it was my first ball. We have never been with a Battalion that had a ball before. So for Marlin and I this was the first. It won't be the last because from what we heard this Battalion likes to have balls. The next one is slotted for when the guys get back next year. So, that means I have one year to fit into the other dress I have. LOL

We spent the evening listening to speeches, traditions, and enjoying some good food. The formal part of the ball was over around 9:30 and the dancing began. At this point Marlin and I were just sitting around the table by ourselves. I told him I wanted to dance and he wasn't sure. I had to coax him a bit but finally he got up and shook his thing on the dance floor. LOL It was so funny because I have never really seen him dance. I really don't care to dance but give me a line dance and I am in. LOL They played a lot of dance club music that I am not familiar with but we danced and worked up a sweat. :) It was all good. I love him for just getting up with me instead of sitting around the table all night (that would have been boring). It would have been a lot different if we had made some friends before attending the ball and were able to hang out there with them, but that's not what happened so we just enjoyed each other's company.
Around 11:30pm we headed home to the kids. They were still awake but clearly very tired. We tucked them in, prayed with them and I think before we turned out their lights they were asleep. LOL It has been so weird being able to go out and have a date with my husband without children. It has taken me some time to get use to this new way of life, but the kids are older now and with that comes some freedom.
7th Engineer Battalion Castle Ball
630th Clearance Company
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