Well, hello everyone! I cannot believe it has been five months since my last update. My kids are constantly after me to write on my blog. So this entry is for my children.....
My last entry was right before Marlin left for his year deployment to Afghanistan. He has been gone since July 10th and the kids and I are doing fine. There are days that are harder than others but we also know this time apart will not last forever.
To help the time pass by quickly we try to stay busy. Maybe what I should be saying is, "If you want time to pass you by sign up for football". Tyrin decided that he wanted to try out for the Fort Drum football team and so I signed him up. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. He started the season with a one week summer camp in July. I was using this as a test to see if this was something he really wanted to do. Well, if I thought he would change his mind; I was sadly mistaken. He was more excited than ever.
You should have seen me at Dicks Sporting Goods trying to buy football equipment. I was clueless to the items that Tyrin needed. I mean really.....why would a football player need a girdles? Isn't that something women wear? How tight is tight? Oh, and how about the cup? How is that suppose to fit? I mean really. lol In the end I managed to get him everything he needed with the assistance of some very helpful customers.
August 3rd, began his two hour, weekly practice schedule. We learned quickly that he needed to eat at least an hour before practice. We also learned that you shouldn't drink 48 oz of Gatorade in an hour and then run suicides. lol
The season was only suppose to last until the beginning of November. However, this team did so well that they made it all the way to the Eastern Division Championship game in NJ undefeated the week before Thanksgiving. They may not have won the game but in my eyes they overcame much more. This team if very unique because they are a team of military dependents. Not to mention the majority of the Dad’s are deployed. No matter what school the kids go to, if they live on Fort Drum they are required to play on the Fort Drum team. The kids on the team attend three different schools and come together every night and form a bond that was essentially unstoppable.
Tyrin usually played left defensive tackle but would also fill in anywhere on the defensive line if needed. I watched Tyrin gain more and more confidence each time he played. It was a bittersweet experience because Marlin wasn't here to watch his son play. I tried to take lots of video but I am not sure how much of it was of the sky or ground. :)
I have to say I really enjoyed watching Tyrin play however, sitting in 30 degree weather to do so was not my idea of fun. We learned many tricks to staying warm for a game. Next year, Daddy gets to experience that. Now, do I tell him our little tricks or let him figure them out on his own. lol
My last entry was right before Marlin left for his year deployment to Afghanistan. He has been gone since July 10th and the kids and I are doing fine. There are days that are harder than others but we also know this time apart will not last forever.
To help the time pass by quickly we try to stay busy. Maybe what I should be saying is, "If you want time to pass you by sign up for football". Tyrin decided that he wanted to try out for the Fort Drum football team and so I signed him up. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. He started the season with a one week summer camp in July. I was using this as a test to see if this was something he really wanted to do. Well, if I thought he would change his mind; I was sadly mistaken. He was more excited than ever.
You should have seen me at Dicks Sporting Goods trying to buy football equipment. I was clueless to the items that Tyrin needed. I mean really.....why would a football player need a girdles? Isn't that something women wear? How tight is tight? Oh, and how about the cup? How is that suppose to fit? I mean really. lol In the end I managed to get him everything he needed with the assistance of some very helpful customers.
August 3rd, began his two hour, weekly practice schedule. We learned quickly that he needed to eat at least an hour before practice. We also learned that you shouldn't drink 48 oz of Gatorade in an hour and then run suicides. lol
The season was only suppose to last until the beginning of November. However, this team did so well that they made it all the way to the Eastern Division Championship game in NJ undefeated the week before Thanksgiving. They may not have won the game but in my eyes they overcame much more. This team if very unique because they are a team of military dependents. Not to mention the majority of the Dad’s are deployed. No matter what school the kids go to, if they live on Fort Drum they are required to play on the Fort Drum team. The kids on the team attend three different schools and come together every night and form a bond that was essentially unstoppable.
Tyrin usually played left defensive tackle but would also fill in anywhere on the defensive line if needed. I watched Tyrin gain more and more confidence each time he played. It was a bittersweet experience because Marlin wasn't here to watch his son play. I tried to take lots of video but I am not sure how much of it was of the sky or ground. :)
I have to say I really enjoyed watching Tyrin play however, sitting in 30 degree weather to do so was not my idea of fun. We learned many tricks to staying warm for a game. Next year, Daddy gets to experience that. Now, do I tell him our little tricks or let him figure them out on his own. lol
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