Thursday, July 9, 2009

Not Ready!

Well, the time is approaching rather quickly. I know I am not ready for the changes that the next year hold, but knowing God is by my side will make the difference. Tonight is Marlin's last night in the house. I feel like since we moved up to NY life has moved on to fast. It has been one thing after another. Not only will I take the next year to put our priorities in line but I will ultimately do it alone. I know I am not completely alone as I still have three children here with me but with them going to public school in the fall the house is going to be to quite. I am not good with quite on a daily basis -- makes my mind wonder and allows the devil to pry on my fears.

I am going to miss my husband very much. I will even miss the disagreements where I am usually right and well he isn't. Ok, there have been a few times when he was right but how can I admit that to him. LOL I will miss his smirky little grin and those dimples... or wrinkles they have become. I will miss our late night chats and banter. I will miss having him by my side in church! Most of all I will miss the way he holds me tight and kisses me goodnight.

As the days approach, I pray that God will wrap my family in his protection and hold us tight. I pray he will give us comfort like only he can. I pray that he gives me the strength to help my children through this time in our lives. I pray for patience as the Lord knows I need now more than ever. The courage to face all that is ahead. I pray that he walks with my husband as he embarks on this path. That as a soldier of God he will make a difference where ever he may go. I pray that God would give Marlin strength and protection as he does the job that he LOVES. I pray that God would give him courage and direction as he leads his men. Above all Lord protect him and bring him home safe. In your heavenly name....Amen.