Below is a little video of Tyrin's football season.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Time for an Update

My last entry was right before Marlin left for his year deployment to Afghanistan. He has been gone since July 10th and the kids and I are doing fine. There are days that are harder than others but we also know this time apart will not last forever.
To help the time pass by quickly we try to stay busy. Maybe what I should be saying is, "If you want time to pass you by sign up for football". Tyrin decided that he wanted to try out for the Fort Drum football team and so I signed him up. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. He started the season with a one week summer camp in July. I was using this as a test to see if this was something he really wanted to do. Well, if I thought he would change his mind; I was sadly mistaken. He was more excited than ever.
You should have seen me at Dicks Sporting Goods trying to buy football equipment. I was clueless to the items that Tyrin needed. I mean really.....why would a football player need a girdles? Isn't that something women wear? How tight is tight? Oh, and how about the cup? How is that suppose to fit? I mean really. lol In the end I managed to get him everything he needed with the assistance of some very helpful customers.
August 3rd, began his two hour, weekly practice schedule. We learned quickly that he needed to eat at least an hour before practice. We also learned that you shouldn't drink 48 oz of Gatorade in an hour and then run suicides. lol
The season was only suppose to last until the beginning of November. However, this team did so well that they made it all the way to the Eastern Division Championship game in NJ undefeated the week before Thanksgiving. They may not have won the game but in my eyes they overcame much more. This team if very unique because they are a team of military dependents. Not to mention the majority of the Dad’s are deployed. No matter what school the kids go to, if they live on Fort Drum they are required to play on the Fort Drum team. The kids on the team attend three different schools and come together every night and form a bond that was essentially unstoppable.
Tyrin usually played left defensive tackle but would also fill in anywhere on the defensive line if needed. I watched Tyrin gain more and more confidence each time he played. It was a bittersweet experience because Marlin wasn't here to watch his son play. I tried to take lots of video but I am not sure how much of it was of the sky or ground. :)
I have to say I really enjoyed watching Tyrin play however, sitting in 30 degree weather to do so was not my idea of fun. We learned many tricks to staying warm for a game. Next year, Daddy gets to experience that. Now, do I tell him our little tricks or let him figure them out on his own. lol
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Not Ready!
I am going to miss my husband very much. I will even miss the disagreements where I am usually right and well he isn't. Ok, there have been a few times when he was right but how can I admit that to him. LOL I will miss his smirky little grin and those dimples... or wrinkles they have become. I will miss our late night chats and banter. I will miss having him by my side in church! Most of all I will miss the way he holds me tight and kisses me goodnight.
As the days approach, I pray that God will wrap my family in his protection and hold us tight. I pray he will give us comfort like only he can. I pray that he gives me the strength to help my children through this time in our lives. I pray for patience as the Lord knows I need now more than ever. The courage to face all that is ahead. I pray that he walks with my husband as he embarks on this path. That as a soldier of God he will make a difference where ever he may go. I pray that God would give Marlin strength and protection as he does the job that he LOVES. I pray that God would give him courage and direction as he leads his men. Above all Lord protect him and bring him home safe. In your heavenly name....Amen.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Game Time!

Trey getting ready to pitch!
I will admit it brought a tear to my eye. To see my son get a chance to do something that he wanted to do was just plain cool. He looked so happy to be on pitcher mound. He was able to throw some strikes and he only hit one boy (not on purpose and he does feel bad about that). He looked really good standing up there. He has a lot of practice to do but I know if it is something he wants to do he will work at it.
I would have to say the best thing we ever did for our family was to stop all the activities and running around when the kids were younger. They are now at the age that if they really want it they are more focused and are willing to work hard to achieve their goals. I am looking forward to supporting them all in their future endeavors.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Castle Ball

We spent the evening listening to speeches, traditions, and enjoying some good food. The formal part of the ball was over around 9:30 and the dancing began. At this point Marlin and I were just sitting around the table by ourselves. I told him I wanted to dance and he wasn't sure. I had to coax him a bit but finally he got up and shook his thing on the dance floor. LOL It was so funny because I have never really seen him dance. I really don't care to dance but give me a line dance and I am in. LOL They played a lot of dance club music that I am not familiar with but we danced and worked up a sweat. :) It was all good. I love him for just getting up with me instead of sitting around the table all night (that would have been boring). It would have been a lot different if we had made some friends before attending the ball and were able to hang out there with them, but that's not what happened so we just enjoyed each other's company.
Around 11:30pm we headed home to the kids. They were still awake but clearly very tired. We tucked them in, prayed with them and I think before we turned out their lights they were asleep. LOL It has been so weird being able to go out and have a date with my husband without children. It has taken me some time to get use to this new way of life, but the kids are older now and with that comes some freedom.
7th Engineer Battalion Castle Ball
630th Clearance Company
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Some things are meant to change.
From the very beginning, I have told the kids that when they were ready to go to pubic school they could. As long as the school was acceptable. Of course, with Cheyenne toying with the idea of attending high school, I opened the discussion with the boys. It was a very funny conversation. Trey’s first response when I told him Cheyenne was thinking about going to public school he called her a “Traitor”. LOL Then his next question was would he have to be in the same class as his brother. I told him I wasn’t sure but probably not. His response was “YESSSS”! Of course he wanted to know if he would get his own locker.
When I talked to Tyrin about the whole idea his first response was, “Don’t you want me to stay home with you, Mommy”? I told him I wanted him not to worry about me but to tell me what he wanted. His next question was, “Will I have to be in the same class as Trey”? I said, “No”. He said, “YESSSS”! Of course the next thing he asked was if he was getting his own locker. Cheyenne and I about fell on the floor because those two boys are so much alike.
I told the kids that we should pray about the decision and after spring break I would call the school and see about getting a tour and an appointment to meet with the guidance counselor. On Friday, of last week the boys and I sat down with the middle school counselor and learned about the different classes that the middle school offers. They also had the opportunity to walk around the school for a tour. They were pretty excited. Cheyenne had to wait until this past Monday to meet with the high school guidance counselor. She was so excited. I could see that she was not going to decided to stay home another year. They counselor sat her down and did a four year plan with her. She basically picked her classes for the fall and the only thing holding her back was me putting the registration paperwork in. The thing the school has that I cannot provide is theater and sports.
If the laws up here weren’t so strict; and if the kids could participate in the school sports nothing would have changed. However, I know that they want to make new friends and I believe that God will watch over them and allow them to be a light. As weird as it may sound, there are not many kids where we are. Yes, we live on a military post and yet we cannot find the kids. Mind you there are little kids but not many their age. We just have to give it some more time.
Like I said before, this was not an easy decision. However, with God’s help I will make it though this transition. I love being with my kids and enjoy homeschooling them and I never really thought the day would come when they would want to go back to school. Things change. LOL I think I may be experience some abandonment issues. LOL Especially since Marlin will be deploying and the kids will be heading off to school. What will I do? I will be alone for the first time in 13 years. OH MY!!! That thought scares the day lights out of me. I know I will eventually get use to it. LOL For starters the idea is to go back to school myself and finish my degree. Only have 12 classes left for my BS degree.
Well, I better head off to bed. It is getting late and tomorrow is the military ball. I also have to register my baby for football…….why did he have to choose football. They run into each other. LOL Tyrin better run fast and never let anyone touch him. LOL
Below are the lyrics to a song Cheyenne shared with me. She was trying to explain to me why she wanted to go to public school and she told me to listen to this song. It broke my heart. I love you Cheyenne!
"Let Go" Check out the video:
Changing,Everywhere I am
I been stuck in a rut,
I been caught upYeah, it happens fast
To where I wanna begin
I wanna find new life and see new eyes
And breathe again
(I'm gonna) stop now, take a breathIt's all so crazy
But I'm ready to let go
Looking forward to don't know
Forget about yesterday, get away
And live in the right now
Yeah, I'm ready to let go
And I'm ready follow
Anywhere the road bends
Where it ends I don't know
So let go
Oh, we live in the future
We got our regrets
Cause we don't live in
The present tense
(It's) hectic in my mind
(Gonna) leave it behind
Don't wanna over think it
Don't worry so much
Gonna live this life
And not lose touch
I'm gonna let go
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Date Night
Marlin’s company was hosting an 80’s and below Spring Dance. I was initially going to do the whole poodle skirt thing but with the Military Ball a week after I wanted to keep the cost to a minimum. I’ve never attended a function like this and was afraid I would be the only one dressed up. So, I opted for the 80’s theme. Didn’t want to venture to far out of my comfort zone. Plus, I thought this shouldn’t be a problem since I lived through the 80’s. All I had to do was think about all the things I wore back in jr./high school. You know the MC Hammer pants, bunchy socks, florescent belts, jellies, bracelets, and don’t forget the faded/torn jeans. If only I would have held on to all my old clothes (provided I didn’t have children and weigh more) I could have worn them. The amazing thing is all these things are back in fashion now and you can buy it anywhere. So I decided that the History lesson for the day would be shopping for 80’s clothes. The boys had fun for a little while but after about an hour and 4 stores they were done. Cheyenne on the other hand was trying to pick out things that she knew she could wear as well. She would say, “Mom, it’s ok if you don’t want it anymore. I will gladly take it off your hands when you are done with it”. Wasn’t that nice of her?
It would only be fitting that I found just the right clothes at the same place I use to shop 20 odd years ago…The DEB Shop. So with much help from my children, who encouraged this way too much, here we are some pics from our Oldies Date Night. Cheyenne was our photographer for the evening.

The dance itself was a lot of fun. I even managed to Marlin to dance with me. Yes, he got up and did the twist. Mind you a man with a bad back should't really do this dance as we discovered. We both laughed so hard. We also slowed dance together for the first time in about 13 years. Way to long.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Finally Connected Again
Well, we are finally finished moving around. I don't think I will get all the boxes unpacked as fast as I did the first time though. Starting to think maybe it could be part of my new decor. LOL
Life up here in New York is good. It has been an adjustment for me living this close to army life once again but it is much better than living alone. We really haven’t met anyone yet except for people at church and our neighbors. I actually attended a Women’s Conference last week and was determined to meet some moms with older children but that didn’t happen at all. It seems everyone is just having babies and I am so done with that. LOL For the most part the kids are adjusting well. I know it hasn't been easy for them and they are so eager to make new friends.
We have come to realize that there may be some big changes taking place in the next couple of months. I have always told the kids that when they are ready or want to go to public school that they could. Well, Cheyenne has voiced that concern to us and in the process have her brothers thinking as well. If we were living in Maryland that wouldn’t even be an option but up here in NY there isn’t a lot of support for homeschoolers. There are no local co-ops that I can find and the Homeschooling laws here are pretty strict. Before any one else says it ….I don’t want to start one. LOL Been there done that!
I know I could teach them and manage for the next couple years but I also have to listen to what my children are asking. The biggest thing is they want to play sports and meet new people. The youth services don’t offer sports for the teens because they don’t want to compete with the schools. They cannot participate in sports if they are not in the school. It really is a tough situation. I absolutely love to home school (this is our sixth year) and love being with my kids but I have also come to realize that I must listen to what they want as well. So right now we are going to pray about it and after we get back in town we are going to set an appointment up with the school and see about going in and checking out our options. I want us to have all the information before we make a decision. So please pray for God’s guidance on this matter.
Well, like I said we are heading to Pennsylvania tomorrow to see family. This is Marlin’s block leave and we will be going home for him to see family before he heads to Iraq. I am still in denial about the whole thing. I just don’t want to think about. However, our time together is very limited.
Have a Blessed Easter!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Moving Again
I would also like to let you all know we have found a church home after three weeks of trying. We have settled in at Cornerstone Family Worship Center in Watertown, NY. We really felt a sense of peace and comfort when we walked into the building. We were actually invited out to lunch with the pastor and his family on the first day there. We spent about 3 hours with them and just felt welcomed. There was only one other kid besides our three in the Sunday school class this past week. However, they enjoyed the lesson and structure. Marlin attended his first ever men’s breakfast on Saturday and had a great time. It was good for him to get to know the other guys in the church. Next month there are having a dinner and a movie and will be watching “Fireproof”. He is planning to attend.
Things are just really falling into place here. Trying to spend time together as a family and get settled before Marlin gets deployed. Not looking forward to that day and in a way I am still in denial about it. I don’t like to talk about it because I just want to be a family without the added stress.
Let me take just a moment and thank you for your prayers this past month. Our prayer request now is for our children to meet some good friends and to have nice neighbors. Oh, did I forget to mention we are the only ones moved in so far and we don’t have a neighbor as of yet. What is God trying to tell me? LOL
Blessings Everyone!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Yesterday; we went and took a look-see at a townhouse in a development. It turned out to be old military housing that was off post. It was nice but we weren't 100% sold. The kids were already making their plans and with 4 bedrooms the boys were happy. Who was going to sleep where and all that. So we hop in the car and drive to yet another house.
We were a little early for that appointment so we stopped at a gas station for a snack. Turns out they had local homemade ice cream. The kids just had to have ice cream.....they have been going through withdraws since leaving Grandma's. LOL So there we sat eating ice cream in about 20 degree weather.
Once we were all finished with our cones we went to check out the last house on the list. Turns out to be an old house with a leaky basement and only 3 bedrooms. The house was cold and dust not to mention we would have to use the bedroom on the first floor for all our stuff we stored in the garage making the kids share one room. There was also the issue of doing wash in the basement. I hate unfinished basements that have cob webs hanging from the beams. It wasn't my cup of tea at 12 and it isn't now.
So after some thought (not much) we decided on the townhouse that was willing to do a month-to-month lease. They were even willing to wait and hold the place for us until next week with a deposit of course. Hopefully our household goods can be delivered on Thursday or Friday.
So things are looking up. Tomorrow we are going to church at the same one we tried on Wednesday to see how service and Sunday school is. This I know will be hard for Cheyenne and I am preparing myself for the heartache. All we want more than anything is to find a church home. So please continue to pray that we will find where we need to be to grow closer in Christ.
Oh I almost forgot to tell you.... the townhouse we will be moving into has neighbor. LOL The other half of our duplex we will be moving into is empty. What is up with that? I am sure it will have a tenant soon but it is pretty funny.
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24)
Sometimes easier said than done.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ramblings from Cheyenne
MISS U ALL BUNCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well what more can I say......Tonight was HARD! So much is going on and so much for me to process. Marlin can home today and mentioned the dreaded word "DEPLOYMENT". Yes, he is going to go away for a year in the very near future. His company told him to get his family in order and well how do you do that when we are living in a hotel. Made two phone calls today about a house but haven't heard anything back. I even went as far as posting a request on Craigslist. This is the part of ARMY life I dislike.
Church was the straw that broke the camels back you could say. The boys had a good time, of course. Cheyenne on the other hand not so much. All she wanted to do was meet some new friends and being the only girl that didn't happen. It was hard to see her cry. I cannot stand to see my children sad or upset. As their mom I just want to fix everything and there are some things I just cannot make better. The church itself was smaller than we are use to but the people were very friendly. We met the pastor and he reminds us of a big Teddy Bear. LOL The whole experience made us miss our church family in Maryland... you guys will forever be in our hearts. It also made me think a lot about the our Friends class back in MD. Cheyenne and I started talking about all the little things we missed....the fun, personalities, the expressions, and of course dodgeball.
We have decided to go back on Sunday and check out Sunday School and Service. We will also go back for evening service as well.
Please continue to pray for us and that we find a home soon. Homeschooling in the hotel is not my idea of fun. Oh and by the way the weather has been really weird here. Can you believe tonight it was 44 degrees. The snow is melting like crazy. They say the snow is coming.....will let you know if it does.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Welcome to New York
We spent the day driving around and looking at the post, it is pretty large. We can already sense a difference in the attitudes of those around us. Soldiers and family first......what is that like.
Trey helped navigate us around. He got us a little lost but was able to get us to the library eventually. Yes, my kids wanted to know what the library looked like. They were a little disappointed. Ok, Cheyenne wants me to rephrase that.....a HUGE disappointment. Yes, they are reading over my shoulder and the need for accuracy is driving them nuts.
The library is rather small and not what they are used to. It will have to do for now. There is a movie theater that actually has new movies playing for kids and the entire family. There are also lots of snow activities nearby. The kids want to go skiing so we will have to check that out as well.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Oh my!
Pray for us!
Our family had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed every minute of it in Pennsylvania. The kids liked the idea of coming home to Maryland after Christmas because they had presents waiting for them. Of course, it was the standard underwear and socks. Ok, that’s not all they got. Cheyenne got a camera which she was really excited about. She has taken pictures non stop, especially with the upcoming move. Looks like I will have to share my scrapbooking space with her after all. There goes my alone time.
Trey received a software program to work with his green screen. He likes messing around with videos and so forth. The kids were actually working on a project for their God and Church medal and put together a cool video. Trey still needs to add some background, credits, and music. When he gets it finished I will have to upload it. You will roll!
Tyrin got a Mega Blok castle set. He loves to build and play with that sort of stuff. For a little person he sure does make a BIG mess. We have to stay on him to clean up or we would have LEGOs all over the house. Let’s just say that Trey is looking forward to having his own room.
This past Sunday, was our last Sunday service at our church. It was bitter sweet. We have grown very close to many people and it will be hard to say good-bye this Wednesday. I know for a fact Cheyenne will be a mess which in turn will make me a mess. I hate to see my kids sad and upset. I am sure all you mothers can empathize.
I just want to send out a little shout to our Fiends here in Maryland....Thank you! Thank you for being a friend and helping us in our walk of faith. You have been a blessing to us and our children. Our family has made some everlasting friendships.
To the friends we will meet…we are ready!
On that note, I want to ask you all to pray for us as we begin our new adventure. Pray that we will have safe travels through the snow and that when we get there housing will be available. Pray for our sanity as our accommodations in NY will be a one bedroom box. Pray that we find a new church family quickly and the kids make new everlasting friendships.
So until we get resettled in NY…………
God Bless
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Christmas Letter 2008